October 20, 2004

Asbestos bill unresolved as thousands endure painful, fatal disease

Dr. Michael Harbut, a co-author of the ATS study and chief of the Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine at Wayne State was quoted on a bill concerning asbestos. The 108th Congress proposed the Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act, which was meant to help Americans sickened by asbestos exposure without their having to sue the companies. The Senate\'s criteria were presented to Sen.. Orin Hatch, R-Utah who had sponsored the bill. Hatch first embraced the ABA offering but modified it after many union officials and public health specialists denounced it as \"pro-industry\" and unfair to victims who would be prevented from suing. Dr. Michael Harbut disagreed with the modifications and said, \"On the basis of the current science and medicine, the diagnostic criteria in Sen... Hatch\'s bill are outdated, incorrect and incomplete, and if enacted into law, will harm untold numbers of patients.\"

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